Today is the first day it feels like spring. If I didn’t know from the date, I sure would know from my dog’s behavior.

I woke up to her standing on my head demanding that I get up and start the day. Did I not hear the birds? Did I not smell the grass growing, the snow melting, the pollen and the mold spores?
“What is wrong with you humans? Your lack of adventure is appalling”.
So, I drag my butt out of bed and let her and her brother take care of their morning constitutions. I feed them and let them out for a second romp, while I brew a pot of coffee and brush my teeth.
In the ten minutes that these paltry chores took me, she has not only done 5 laps around the yard, but she is now using the pool cover as a trampoline. I sigh, thanking god that I spent the extra money and bought the cover strong enough to hold a horse.
I pour myself a large mug. It is going to be that kind of day.

Wait, what is that green thing she has in her mouth? I step out on to the deck to find that she has dug up the housing to the sprinkler system. By the time I inspect the damage to the wiring, the green plastic cover has been deposited in the middle of the pool cover. She has moved on.
Crap, I am going to need the pool rake to get that back.
I step back inside to warm up my coffee and grab a muffin. As I pass by the window, I see that she now has something gray hanging from her mouth.
Oh, please, oh please, don’t let it be the deck carpet.
It was. She has a 1 foot hole ripped smack dab in the middle. There will be no way to hide that this summer.
Apparently, she got the whiff of ‘au du rodent’ and it was her explicit duty to uncover its nest.
As I bring her inside, I notice the bird feeder is empty. Again. You could at least earn your keep, by chasing the squirrels away, I tell her. I will fill it after my shower.

Just as I am stepping out of the shower, the bathroom door pops open. In walks my older dog with his head down and what can only be deemed as a sad expression on his face.
I can only imagine what I will find when I go downstairs. I know it is not going to be pretty.
Ah yes, spring is here like it or not.